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2014 Glasgow Commenwealth GamesGamesLogo

DiPS has the facility to manually adjust road speed box factors, link changes and postcode time restrictions. These can be used anytime and can be used for the Commenwealth Games if you would like to start preparing early.

Box factors can be drawn around the Games sites to modify road speeds for specific areas. Postcode restrictions override the ordinary delivery criteria for a call by postcode, so every call in a postcode area will have its times and vehicle access modified to the required criteria.

DiPS has created Macros that can be easily loaded into DiPS before planning to set up box factors for the affected areas in Glasgow.

Based upon the Commenwealth Games Transport Strategic Plan, three main clusters of venues have been covered by road speed boxes - East, West and South. (Click here to download the PDF if requried)

Download the Macros using this link and the follow the instructions below to load them into your DiPS plans when required. The default settings are for reductions of around 10-15% on normal road conditions although these are configurable by users once loaded in the program. These estimates are based upon the demand figures compared to annualised traffic flow as contained in the Transport Plan.


How to Load in DiPS Macros

1. Download the DiPS Macro to your computer and Run DiPS as normal

2. In DiPS, go to the File Menu, Click on Study then "Load Spreadsheet or DiPS Macros"


3. When the Dialog appears, Left click on the box next to "File 1" to tick it and bring up the Window to select the Macro you want

4. Go to the drop-down box next to File name at the bottom of the window, and click on "Dips Macro Files(*.mac)

Load Boxes Macro

Find the Macro file Commenwealth Games Road Boxes, click on it once to highlight it, then click on Open. Then click on OK.
DiPS will load in the Macro file, inform you of any errors, and then you are ready to go.

How to Delete Box Factors in DiPS

To delete Box Factors from DiPS after the Games have closed -
1. Go to the Travel Menu and click on Parameters
2. Click on the Box Factors tab
3. Click on the number to the left of the box you wish to delete so it is highlighted
4. Click Delete.


How Box Factors Work


All road speeds in a boxed area can be increased or decreased using the Speed Factors facility. A factor of 120% will have the effect of increasing all road speeds by 20%; factors less than 100% will have a negating effect.

Box areas may be established using mouse or Latitude and Longitude. Where two boxes overlap the largest box number value will apply (i.e. box 2 further down the list has priority over box 1).

Any areas not defined by a boxed grid will use the default settings for road speeds. The boxed area factor will have priority over default road settings but not over any changes made to specific links using the Individual Road Link Changes facility. A text description may also be applied to each boxed area established using the field provided.

Box Factors may be applied to each Speed Table defined (Default and A-Z), allowing further control on speeds in the defined area by time of day or day of the week. Simply place a tick by each speed table required.

To add box areas using the mouse to draw a rectangle , first draw a pop-up window around the area in question on the graphics panel using the LHB. Then after selecting Travel Parameters, Box Factors, click on the Draw New Box on Map button. To create a new Speed Box, click on the New button to display the input screen for a box, type the appropriate values into the fields provided and then click on the OK button. To clear any existing values click on the relevant # no. and click on Delete. To change an existing box select it by clicking on the required No. in # column and modify the values before clicking on the OK button. To move a Box, simply select it and then click on the Move Up or Move Down button. To send a copy of the settings to the default printer use the Print button.

1.   Draw a box on the bottom right map to bring up a pop-up drawing of the area you want to place your Box.

2.   Go the Travel menu, then click on Parameters

3.   On the Properties Dialog that appears, click on “Draw New Box on Map”


4.       Now draw a box on the pop-up where you want your box to be

5.       A Pop-up dialog will appear to select Matricies and allow you to enter a speed as a percentage of Original:

Once you click OK in both dialogs, DiPS will then re-run the matrix to recalculate all the speeds and times

Link Changes

It is possible to restrict the speed on any particular road section on the roadfile database by using the Individual Road Link Changes to modify the relevant base value set in either Road Speeds, Special Classes of Road, or Road Speed Factors by Boxed Area parameters. This facility is intended to cope with everyday problems such as long-term roadworks, traffic queues, or toll road links.

clicklinkModify Link Changes using Graphics Screen

To add link changes using the Highway Mode graphics screen to highlight links, first draw a pop-up window around the area in question using the LHB. Then after selecting Travel Parameters, Link Changes, click on the New - Click Map button. The graphics window will then re-draw displaying junction circles. To select a link, click on the link required using the LHB and the dialog box will appear as indicated. The dialog will display the link including junction points and road information. Input the Changes as required (set the speed = 0 to disable the link) and set the both directions indicator. Click Ok to save changes or Cancel to choose another link from the map if the current selection is not correct.

To clear any existing values click on the relevant # no. and click on Delete. To change an existing link select it by clicking on the required No. in # column and modify the values before clicking on the OK button. To move a link in the list, simply select it and then click on the Move Up or Move Down button. To send a copy of the settings to the default printer use the Print button.

Certain links will appear in this section for every new study as part of the set-up phase. These links include the Humber, Severn, Tamar and Forth bridges and the Dartford Tunnel/Bridge. Speeds for these will be set by default at 20 mph, and will over-ride any constraints set in any of the sections discussed above.

It is useful to note that any restriction place between two junctions will only apply in that direction. For the restriction to be effective in both directions two lines must be set up - one with the A -> B direction and the other with the B -> A direction.

Booked Time Codes and Postcode Restrictions

DiPS has the facility to set default opening times and vehicle restrictions based on postcode wildcards.
To do this simply go to the Edit menu click on Default Restrictions
Then click on the Booked Time Codes, then New
You can now add a code such as 'GAME' and set the opening and closing times, add a hot key, e.g. 'O'.
Click OK and the time code is ready to be used.


Next, Go to Routes Menu -> Parameters -> Postcode to Restrictions
Click New, to add a Postcode wildcard e.g. G20???????? where '?' means it can be any number or letter
You can restrict it to certain days, set maximum vehicle and select the Time Band to use.


This will now overwrite the default times and Max Vehicle size for any orders with a postcode beginning with E20 for example

Go to Style-> Deferred Headings -> add BookT, this will show 'GAME' for any orders affected